This paper presents a perspective of the industry on the impact of broadband. Authors review existing literature and several cases and conclude that broadband is an accelerator of economic development. The benefits for users and providers are attributed to direct and indirect factors, including greater efficiencies in time, money, distribution of goods, services, and information. Broadband enables higher productivity in the work place, creation of new jobs, increased wages, better quality of service, innovation and lower prices. Increased access to broadband triggers greater demand for computing and communications equipment, increased e-commerce, reductions in commuting, increased consumption of digital products and services; and savings in government, private sector, education and healthcare. The paper stresses however that adequate policy and regulatory reforms are critical, and presents diverse examples of applications in several countries, in areas such as telemedicine, teleworking, e-government, agriculture, distance education, people with disabilities, public safety, national security, utilities, small businesses, tourism, e-commerce and entertainment. Published by the Telecomuunications Industry Association, October 2003, 38 p.