The PARSOL (Planning and Regulatory Services Online) e-gov project is developing a range of guidelines, benchmarks, schemas, systems and toolkits to assist Local Authorities in building effective and transparent online planning and regulatory systems.
This brings real working benefits to Local Authority departments and officers and ultimately helps to provide both citizens and business users alike with faster and more effective services online. The Project is run by a consortium of Local Authorities led by Wandsworth Borough Council and financed by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Support is provided by key national organisations - IDeA, RTPI, CIEH, LACORS, Planning Officers' Society, SOCITM, The Planning Inspectorate through the Planning Portal Project, HSE and the Environment Agency. PARSOL is funded by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
The PARSOL product catalogue was launched by Phil Hope MP, Minister for Local e-Government, at the LGA Annual Conference in Bournemouth on 8th July 2004. The catalogue comprises a range of materials including standards, toolkits, guidance, systems and software. A synopsis of the speeches from the event will be published on this web site as soon as possible. The event formally marked the completion of an extensive period of product creation and looked forward to the coming months when the PARSOL team will be seeking to rollout the products to local authorities across England.