Quoted verbatim from a news release issued by the US Federal Communications Commission last Thursday: "Commissioner Michael J. Copps, in a speech at the New America Foundation, today warned that: 'The Internet as we know it is at risk. Entrenched interests are positioning themselves to control the network’s chokepoints and they are lobbying the FCC to aid and abet them. The Internet was designed to prevent government or a corporation or anyone else from controlling it. But this original vision of the Internet may soon be lost. In its place a warped view that open networks should be replaced by closed networks and that accessibility can be superceded by a new power to discriminate is emerging.' Copps continued: 'Our ill-advised Internet policy is only one piece of a tectonic shift across the whole range of FCC issues. From media to telecom to the Internet, we appear to be rushing toward breathtaking regulatory alterations. The Commission is permitting, even encouraging, competition to wither in the face of centralization. It is short changing its responsibility to protect the public interest...'” Click on the link above to read the rest of this extraordinary statement.