From the ITU weblog: "The inaugural 'Reporting on the Information Society' awards, given jointly by the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) and Panos, aim to encourage and bring to international recognition thoughtful and incisive reporting on developing countries' progress to becoming iInformation Societies.'
"Four awards of $2,000 each will be made for published journalism by developing country journalists (print, radio, TV or web) that goes beyond describing projects or new investment initiatives to analyse broader questions such as the social impact of ICTs, particularly on rural or disadvantaged groups, or national and global communication policy issues.
"The winning entries will be disseminated internationally and honoured at the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva, December 2003. To submit a piece of work for consideration, send a clipping, audio or video tape, transcript or web reference by email to: [email protected] ; or by post to: Kitty Warnock, Panos Institute, 9 White Lion St, London N1 9PD, UK. Deadline for submissions: Oct 15th 2003."